A Network Of Experts Across Various Fields

Thanks to the network of over 450 healthcare professionals who work together to advance the field of medicine, GAPMED can support private, affiliated clinics and public hospitals with a number of speciality providers. These include Anesthesia, Emergency Medicine/Urgency, Orthopedics, Surgery, Radiology, and Nursing. The combination of GAPMED’s organizational support and elite personnel increases efficiency and patient satisfaction.

Outsourcing & Management Of Medical And Nursing Personnel

GAPMED supports healthcare facilities by providing exceptional personnel from its large network of professional collaborators based on its requirements. Once the needs of the facility have been understood, GAPMED identifies a single element or specialized team of surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, and instrumentalists to address and manage the request.

GAPMED offers comprehensive support for various branches of surgery, including the ability to create ad hoc teams upon request, maintaining a supply of medical professionals that is aligned with the facility’s needs at a given time.

Optimisation Of All Healthcare Processes

GAPMED enhances the efficiency of healthcare processes while valuing patient well-being. By organizing a complete operating room team consisting of a surgeon, anesthesiologist, surgical technologist, and OSS, a comprehensive team will improve room productivity, lessen the time spent on room turnover, and reduce anaesthesia and procedural steps. The culmination leads to streamlined healthcare processes, for better functioning overall.

End-To-End Patient Management

GAPMED is dedicated to following and managing the patient care journey from start to finish, beginning with the patient’s admission into the healthcare facilities, through the operating list preparation and management, to the postoperative period, which is managed directly in-house by a specialized professional. By combining the patient’s needs with specific features of the team, GAPMED expedites care and advanced patient satisfaction.

GAPMED teams

GAPMED provides teams specialized in procedures based on various branches of surgery.


Prosthetic Orthopedics



Bariatric Surgery

Plastic Surgery

GAPMED can create ad hoc teams for other specialisations upon request.

Policlinico S. Pietro
GVM - Salus Hospital
Ospedale SS. Capitanio e Gerosa
Ospedale M.O. A. Locatelli
Ospedale Pesenti Fenaroli - Alzano Lombardo
Ospedale Bolognini di Seriate
Casa di Cura Privata Piacenza
Ospedale di Oglio Po
ASST Cremona
Casa di Cura Città di Parma
Ospedale Alessandro Manzoni
ASST Ospedale Maggiore di Crema
Ospedale unificato di Broni - Stradella
Ospedale Civile
Ospedale di Pieve di Coriano
Presidio Ospedaliero Giovanni Paolo II
Azienda Ospedaliera Carlo Poma - Mantova
Azienda Ospedaliera della Valtellina e della Valchiavenna
CRT - Terranuova/Bracciolini
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi - Sant'Ambrogio
Presidio Ospedaliero San Leopoldo Mandic
Ospedale di Cittadella
Ospedale Uboldo di Cernusco sul Naviglio
Presidio Ospedaliero Territoriale di Vaprio D’Adda (POT) Crotta Oltrocchi
Istituto Clinico San Siro
Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Biella (Nuovo Ospedale degli Infermi)
Azienda Ospedaliera Carlo Poma - Mantova
Presidio Ospedaliero di Garbagnate Milanese - ASST Rhodense
Presidio Ospedaliero di Rho - ASST Rhodense
ASST Valtellina e Alto Lario (P.O. di Sondalo)
ASST Nord Milano - Ospedale Città di Sesto San Giovanni
ASST Nord Milano - Ospedale Bassini
Ospedale di Busto Arsizio - ASST Valle Olona
ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo
Presidio Ospedaliero Erba-Renaldi
Azienda Sanitaria Locale Città di Torino
Villa Aprica di Como del Gruppo San Donato
Ospedale di San Donà di Piave – ULSS 4 Veneto Orientale
Ospedale di Portogruaro - ULSS 4 Veneto Orientale
Ospedale di Saronno - ASST Valle Olona
Ospedale di Vizzolo Predabissi - ASST Melegnano Martesana
Ospedale di Castelfranco Veneto
Ospedale civile di Montebelluna
Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Croce e Carle - ospedale Santa Croce
Ospedale di Rivoli

GAPMED’s Ever-Expanding Network

GAPMED is increasingly becoming the most reliable source of specialised personnel for healthcare facilities. Explore our vast network of over 300 professionals who have provided healthcare services to over 50 hospitals and clinics.

Contact GAPMED